3.0 Echolink Must PTT before receiving

I have been playing with a simplex node - Wyse Dell 3040 - Debian 12 CM-108 DIY sound card using DSP for COR and CTCSS Decode and Encode.

I set up a macro for the ARRL Audio Newsletter - 3 826983 and the connection is OK, BUT there is no transmit signal UNTIL after connecting, I first have to PTT from a mobile / portable. Once I bump the node with my talkie the broadcast is ok with pauses, etc OK, Also if I disconnect and reconnect from the dashboard the PTT on the node is OK, but with a scheduled connect the dashboard shows a connection but there is not PTT on the node until I first key my talkie.

Other ASL scheduled connection seem to be OK, just the Echolink connection to the ARRL newsletter.

de nu5d op steve

Still need help - anyone else using a schedule to play an Echolink Connection - ???


I might ask,
what is the duplexmode of the ASL node with the EL attachment ?

(*) 1 Half duplex with telemetry (hotspot)

Are you trying to connect the EL node in monitor mode (*2) from a public ASL node ?

Not in Monitor - but I did try that - I also tried from cli Radio Key and Radio Unkey after rpt fun 577817 *833826983
Where *83 is the perm ilink command.

Might I suggest that you create a private DAHDI full duplex node,
make your EL attachment to it,
Then when wanted or needed, connect to that private node.

There are other benefits to operating this way.

just a fyi, there is no monitor mode for EL. It is mandatory by their rules that all connections are full duplex. A ASL *23xxxxx is the same as a *33xxxxx.
I have always wondered how that works well under non full duplex circumstances. Could be something along those lines or a corruption of something.

For either case, the above ‘may’ be a work around if you don’t get any answers.

Thank you Mike - I do have a different dahdi node on a cloud server that works well. I will give your suggestion a try. Happy New Year.

Steve, you might try ending your macro with a #, e.g. 3826983#. Alternatively, you can connect to Allstar node 516229 in monitor mode for ARRL News. e.g. 2516229# See arrlnews.rfnet.link.

David WD5M