10 04 2024 Update

I just killed a working node. This is the update script I use -

apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt autoremove -y;

I am running Wyse Dell 3040 - 8gb with wifi and started with a CM108 sound card modified, and was planning to use a Rim Lite …

Anyhow after the update the CLI for alignment wont start unless I remove the CM108…

I did have a backup image that I loaded - did the same update, and killed the image as well…

;! Automatically generated configuration file
;! Filename: usbradio.conf (/etc/asterisk/usbradio.conf)
;! Generator: chan_usbradio
;! Creation Date: Fri Sep 20 02:17:43 2024
;******** Template-tized usbradio.conf ********
; Note to editors: set tabs to 4 space characters. No wrap to keep comments neat.
; vim: tabstop=4
; USBRadio channel driver Configuration File
;;;;; New to ASL3 ;;;;;
;;;;; The USBRadio “tune” settings have moved to ;;;;;
;;;;; this file. The usbradio_tune_usb_1999.conf ;;;;;
;;;;; file is no longer used. ;;;;;

; If you are going to use this channel driver, you MUST enable it in modules.conf
; noload => chan_usbradio.so ; CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (DSP)
; noload => res_usbradio.so ; Required for both simpleusb and usbradio
; to:
; load => chan_usbradio.so ; CM1xx USB Cards with Radio Interface Channel Driver (DSP)
; load => res_usbradio.so ; Required for both simpleusb and usbradio

;------------------------------ JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
; jbenable = yes ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of an
; USBRADIO channel. Defaults to “no”. An enabled jitterbuffer will
; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
; side can not accept jitter. The USBRADIO channel can’t accept jitter,
; thus an enabled jitterbuffer on the receive USBRADIO side will always
; be used if the sending side can create jitter.

; jbmaxsize = 200 ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.

; jbresyncthreshold = 1000 ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usualy sent from exotic devices
; and programs. Defaults to 1000.

; jbimpl = fixed ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of an USBRADIO
; channel. Two implementations are currenlty available - “fixed”
; (with size always equals to jbmax-size) and “adaptive” (with
; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.

; jblog = no ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to “no”.

;;;;; Template for all your USBRadio nodes ;;;;;

eeprom = 0 ; EEPROM installed: 0,1
; 0 = no (default)
; 1 = yes

hdwtype = 0 ; Leave this set to 0 for USB sound fobs modified using
; the instructions from usbfob.pdf. Use a setting of
; 1 is for Dingotel/Sph interfaces.

rxboost = no ; no - 20db attenuator inserted
; yes - 20db attenuator removed
; Set to yes for additonal gain if using a low-level receiver output
; CM119B devices are hard coded to rxboost 20dB attenuator removed

rxctcssrelax = 1 ; reduce talkoff from radios w/o CTCSS TX HPF
; Do not change this, leave this as a 1

rxsqhyst = 500 ; Setting Squelch Hysteresis
; 3000 is the default amount.
; An amount of 500 seems good.
; Then set the squelch to the highest number revealed when doing a “radio
; tune rxsquelch” - running the command multiple (like 20) times in a row.

txctcssdefault = 88.5 ; default TX CTCSS frequency, any frequency permitted
rxctcssfreqs = 88.5 ; RX CTCSS frequencies list in floating point. must be in table
txctcssfreqs = 88.5 ; TX CTCSS frequencies list. any frequency permitted. will follow RX CTCSS frequency
rxctcssoverride = no ; Set to yes to start out in carrier squelch mode

carrierfrom = usbinvert ; no,usb,usbinvert,dsp,vox
; no - no carrier detection at all
; usb - from the COR line on the USB sound fob (Active high)
; usbinvert - from the inverted COR line on the USB sound fob (Active low)
; dsp - from RX noise using DSP techniques
; vox - voice activated from RX audio

ctcssfrom = no ;usbinvert ; no,usb,usbinvert,dsp
; no - no CTCSS decoding, system will be carrier squelch
; usb - from the CTCSS line on the USB sound fob (Active high)
; usbinvert - from the inverted CTCSS line on the USB sound fob (Active low)
; dsp - CTCSS decoding using RX audio in DSP.
; rxdemod option must be set to flat for this to work.

rxdemod = flat ; input type from radio: no, speaker, flat
; no - RX audio input not used
; flat - Use RX audio from discriminator (before de-emphasis)
; speaker - use de-emphasized audio

rxsquelchdelay = 50 ; delayline in ms carrier squelch tail eliminator

rxondelay = 0 ; Number of 20mSec intervals following the release of PTT.
; Uncomment and/or adjust for simplex nodes to eliminate “Ping Ponging”
; or “Relay Racing”. A positive value here will instruct the usbradio
; driver to ignore the COR line for a specified number of 20mSec
; intervals following the release of PTT. Use this ONLY on simplex
; nodes, and leave commented out for repeaters or other full duplex nodes.

txoffdelay = 0 ; Ignore the reciever for a specified number of 20 millisecond
; intervals after the transmitter unkeys.
; This is useful when setting up a half-duplex link with an existing
; repeater, where you need to ignore the repeater’s hangtime.

txboost = yes ; Add transmitter audio gain boost: no,yes

txprelim = no ; Audio processing on left output channel: no,yes
; no - Audio is not pre-emphasized and limited.
; (suitable for use on a microphone input)
; yes - Audio is pre-emphasized and limited.
; (suitable for direct connection to an FM modulator)

txlimonly = no ; Audio limiting with no pre-emphasis on output channel: no,yes
; no - Audio is not limited.
; yes - Audio is limited.
; Suitable for transmitters with no limiting but with pre-emphasis.

txtoctype = notone ; Transmit tone control type: no,phase,notone
; no - CTCSS tone encoding with no hang time
; phase - encode CTCSS and reverse phase
; AKA (“reverse burst”) before unkeying TX
; notone - encode CTCSS and stop sending tone before unkeying TX
; AKA (“chicken burst”)

txmixa = composite ; Left channel output: no,voice,tone,composite,auxvoice
; no - Do not output anything
; voice - output voice only
; tone - CTCSS tone only
; composite - voice and tone
; auxvoice - auxiliary voice output at headphone level for monitoring

txmixb = no ; Right channel output: no,voice,tone,composite, auxvoice
; no - Do not output anything
; voice - output voice only
; tone - CTCSS tone only
; composite - voice and tone
; auxvoice - auxiliary voice output at headphone level for monitoring

; Audio filters
rxlpf = 0 ; Receiver Audio Low Pass Filter 0,1 2
; 0 - 3.0 kHz cutoff (Default) value for reduced noise and increased intelligibility.
; 1 - 3.3 kHz cutoff for increased high end, sibilance and brightness.
; 2 - 3.5 kHz cutoff for even more high end, sibilance and brightness.
rxhpf = 0 ; Receiver Audio High Pass Filter 0,1
; 0 - 300 Hz cutoff. (Default) value to reduce sub-audible signals for retransmission and in the receiver speaker.
; 1 - 250 Hz cutoff for additional received and retransmitted bass response.
; recommend using this filter with a CTCSS tone no higher than 186.2 Hz.
txlpf = 0 ; Transmitter Audio Low Pass Filter 0,1
; 0 - 3.0 kHz cutoff. (Default) value.
; 1 - 3.3 kHz cutoff for increased high end, sibilance and brightness.
txhpf = 0 ; Transmitter Audio High Pass Filter 0,1,2
; 0 - 300 Hz cutoff. (Default) value to reduce interference between voice and sub-audible signaling tones and codes.
; 1 - 250 Hz cutoff for increased bass response in transmitted audio.
; 2 - 120 Hz cutoff for special applications requiring additional bass response in transmitted audio.
; Not recommended due to the increased possibility of voice energy interfering with sub-audible signaling

invertptt = no ; Invert PTT: no,yes
; no - ground to transmit
; yes - open to transmit

duplex = 1 ; Duplex 0,1
; 0 - half duplex
; 1 - full duplex
duplex3 = 0 ; duplex 3 gain setting (0 to disable) ???

;;; End of node-main template

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Configure your nodes here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Note: there is no need to duplicate entire settings. Only
; place settings that are different than the template.
; Note: the device string is automatically found when the
; USB setting “devstr=” is empty.
; Note: the interface “tune” settings will be added to the
; per-node settings (below).


;;;;; Tune settings ;;;;;
devstr =
rxmixerset = 500
txmixaset = 500
txmixbset = 500
rxvoiceadj = 0.5
rxctcssadj = 0.5
txctcssadj = 200
rxsquelchadj = 500

asterisk -cg

root@repeater:~# asterisk -cg
Asterisk 20.9.3+asl3-3.0.5-1.deb12, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2022, Sangoma Technologies Corporation and others.
Created by Mark Spencer markster@digium.com
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type ‘core show warranty’ for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type ‘core show license’ for details.

PBX UUID: 78d9ad82-83e2-4819-9db8-99e8d4dbc5cb
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.232] NOTICE[7446]: loader.c:2559 load_modules: 70 modules will be loaded.
[ Initializing Custom Configuration Options ]
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.299] NOTICE[7446]: cdr.c:4568 cdr_toggle_runtime_options: CDR simple logging enabled.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.302] NOTICE[7446]: dnsmgr.c:493 do_reload: Managed DNS entries will be refreshed every 300 seconds.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.326] NOTICE[7446]: indications.c:1100 load_indications: Default country for indication tones: us
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.326] NOTICE[7446]: indications.c:424 ast_set_indication_country: Setting default indication country to ‘us’
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.450] NOTICE[7446]: res_smdi.c:1424 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.459] WARNING[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:18700 process_dahdi: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a call group
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.459] WARNING[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:18708 process_dahdi: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a pickup group
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] NOTICE[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:19861 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to ‘userbase’ (on reload) at line 23.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] NOTICE[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:19861 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to ‘vmsecret’ (on reload) at line 31.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] NOTICE[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:19861 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to ‘hassip’ (on reload) at line 35.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] NOTICE[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:19861 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to ‘hasiax’ (on reload) at line 39.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] NOTICE[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:19861 process_dahdi: Ignoring any changes to ‘hasmanager’ (on reload) at line 47.
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] WARNING[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:18700 process_dahdi: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a call group
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.460] WARNING[7446]: chan_dahdi.c:18708 process_dahdi: Only FXO signalled channels may belong to a pickup group
ERROR: numrxcodes != numtxcodes
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.738] NOTICE[7446]: ./xpmr/xpmr.c:1774 createPmrChannel: xpmr rxlpf: 0
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.738] NOTICE[7446]: ./xpmr/xpmr.c:1775 createPmrChannel: xpmr rxhpf: 0
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.738] NOTICE[7446]: ./xpmr/xpmr.c:1776 createPmrChannel: xpmr txlpf: 0
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.738] NOTICE[7446]: ./xpmr/xpmr.c:1777 createPmrChannel: xpmr txhpf: 0
[2024-10-04 18:00:00.792] WARNING[7446]: loader.c:2657 load_modules: Module ‘res_adsi’ has been loaded but may be removed in a future release.
Asterisk Ready.
*CLI> [2024-10-04 18:00:01.015] NOTICE[7491]: app_rpt.c:5690 rpt_master: Normal Repeater Init 577815
ERROR: numrxcodes != numtxcodes
[2024-10-04 18:00:01.020] NOTICE[7534]: chan_usbradio.c:2566 usbradio_setoption: Channel 577815: Set option TONE VERIFY, mode: OFF(0).
[2024-10-04 18:00:01.094] NOTICE[7535]: chan_usbradio.c:903 hidthread: Channel 577815: Automatically assigned USB device 1-1:1.0 to USBRadio channel
[2024-10-04 18:00:01.115] WARNING[7450]: db.c:319 db_execute_sql: Error executing SQL (COMMIT): database is locked
ERROR: numrxcodes != numtxcodes
[2024-10-04 18:00:01.256] WARNING[7534]: chan_usbradio.c:2035 usbradio_read: Possibly stuck USB read channel. [577815]
[2024-10-04 18:00:01.280] WARNING[7534]: chan_usbradio.c:2046 usbradio_read: USB read channel [577815] was not stuck.

Broadcast message from root@repeater (Fri 2024-10-04 18:00:01 CDT):

The system will reboot at Fri 2024-10-04 18:01:01 CDT!

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

de nu5d

Glad this is ham radio and not the serious stuff like a 911 center at 3AM after a lightning strike, and the room with 12 consoles is deadly quiet… Thanks for all the diligence de nu5d

Here’s my post from an update gone wrong. Not sure if it is related or not, but there are definitely issues with some of the upgrades.

It looks like we have a handle on the USBRadio crasher. In the meantime, I have moved the asl3-asterisk-2:20.9.3+asl3-3.0.5* packages back to “beta”.

For those who had already upgraded to 3.0.5 and have a SimpleUSB configuration, you should be fine.

Updates to the asl3-asterisk to address the chan_usbradio crash are now in the beta package stream. If you were having the issue, please test with these packages.