Stress-testing ASL3 simultaneous connections


When ASL3 was first released, the folks from Freestar ran a net to try and stress-test ASL3 by getting as many people to connect to their network as possible. Results were kind of inconclusive, at least as far as I’m concerned, as things became very broken and unusable after a number of connections, probably in the 140s, but there were some non-ASL3 systems hosting multiple nodes on the network as well.

I have access to a PC for testing, It’s an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v5 @ 3.60GHz, 32GB RAM, with 2.5 gbps available in each direction to/from the public internet to match it’s 2.5 gbps Ethernet port. It is not connected to a consumer-grade internet connection.
This is an entry level server/workstation processor, but a very good performer in it’s class.

I thought of trying to find a couple hundred friends to connect to just this node and no others as a test to see what ASL3 is really capable of under load, as I don’t really know of a better way to do that, and my curiosity was not really sated a couple of months ago.

So, before I do that, does anyone have any real hard data on this, running ASL on dedicated hardware, using the pseudo channel?
How many connections can a single node handle under the best possible conditions?
What does it take to make it fall over?

I know there are a lot of variables here. Hosting on a small Atom PC or a VPS with shared resources would yield different results than dedicated hardware.