DNS Service Update

Over the last few months, there have been sporadic problems with the DNS-based node lookup introduced with ASL3. Most of these issues revolved around how certain ISPs behaved with the information being provided from servers for Early this morning, a new service was brought online to serve the DNS-based node lookups and it appears from early results that these issues are resolved.

If you were having a problem connecting to other nodes and you followed the suggestion to change node_lookup_method, please revert that change. The change to file from either dns (preferred) or both in /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf should be changed back to your original setting and restart asterisk. We would like additional testing and confirmation that these issues have been resolved.

Please note that a certain subset of users who were experiencing the issues described in GitHub items #390 and #392 may find the situation improved but those are still an outstanding bug to resolve.


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