New Allstar3 install. Unable to connect

I just completed a fresh Allstar3 installation using a RPI 3+. I used the package on the Allstarlink web and have run the updates and upgrades. My RPi is connected through a Mikrotik router. The WAN port of the Mikrotik is connected to my Arris router (Xfinity) through a port that is designated as DMZ. My node number is 476490.

During node configuration, I was able to set the audio levels going both ways. When I try to connect to an external node, like the Parriott node (55553), I receive a return message of “Node 55553 connection failed.” This is true when I use my mic keypad as well as Almon3.

Help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave, WA6IFI

Can you exec the following command to check that your node has successfully registered :

sudo asterisk -x 'rpt show registrations'

There’s also the asl-menu “Diagnostics Menu”

I can connect to your node 476490

I have no IAX registration.

I didn’t think it would show green in the node list if it didn’t register.

That’s OK (and expected). By default, ASL3 uses HTTP registration.

Also, from the above it looks like your node is successfully registering and it sounds as if others can connect to your node. Are you still unable to connect to other nodes? If so, can you exec :

sudo asl-node-lookup --verbose 55553

I was able to run this command and received a screen full report.

I also took my RPi to another Han friend today and my Pi worked fine. I came home and rechecked my port forwards and all looks good. I also turned off the wireless in the pi. Still no success. I’m thinking it is a router issue.

Does it make sense to have a phone call?

You should be good for outgoing connections as long as the output looked like :

RPT LOOKUP (55553)

This does sound like a router / firewall issue. Your port forwards are for incoming connections. I would look for any settings on your router that limit what sites your local hosts can connect with (e.g. outbound firewall filters, blocked sites, blocked services, etc).

Also, since you mentioned turning off Wi-Fi, I’ll ask whether you were using Ethernet or Wi-Fi at your friends QTH? If you were using Wi-Fi there then how about trying Wi-Fi at home. This might help identify if the issue is specific to your Ethernet network.

I still haven’t solved the problem, but I have to go to the site tomorrow. I will be able to remotely access if I need to.

What is the ip address format I need to use to access Allmon3? I can access the cockpit to modify the RPi.


Try connecting to node 2100. I had a problem connecting to 5 and 6 digit node numbers when I switched to ASL3. Similar to the the issue in this post.

I could connect to 4 digit nodes like 2100 but not 5 or 6 digit nodes.

I have a Pihole DNS server/ad blocker on my LAN. I fixed it by installing resolvconf on the box running ASL3.

The Allmon3 URLs would be one of :

Note: the ASL3 Raspberry Pi Appliance web landing page includes a link to Allmon3 (the center box).

We are aware of a DNS issue that has been affecting some nodes. More info is available @ ASL3 Manual / DTMF Linking + DNS Lookup Timeouts.