Usbradio_tune_usb settings defined


I am looking for definitions and ranges for the settings in usbradio_tune_usb_nnnnn.conf. Previous posts reference links at and however both sites are down. I am mostly interested in the difference between rxmixerset and rxvoiceadj. Both sound like settings for line level input (from either USB or repeater).



Tom, you are correct. Much to my own dismay, that info was not captured and placed in the wiki.
I knew I should have copied it myself. It was pretty complete. I had been assured it was all captured.
I have a lot of info written into my files, but not that. I had put some in the wiki that was not there, but I am slow.

I might suggest you play with it a bit to get your answer.
My memory is not so good on it anymore…But…
I think one is a mixer level of rx vs tx
and the other internal/voice/Alison etc vs rx…

If you use google to search the old mailman mail list with cached pages, it might reveal something.
app_rpt (command or setting)
works pretty good but you are going to have to read a lot of them.

note: there is stereo operation and I think we normally use just channel ‘A’/left in our setup.
I remember a discussion that got to the heart of something I was wondering, if I could use a single usb dongle for two systems (audio only as I use PP for signaling. Never tried it.

I would still suggest setting it with the prescribed tune method, then tweaking if needed. If that is where you are in a set-up.

Perhaps one old-timer with the exact info will notice the post. Sorry, not much help. Cheerleader LOL

Mike –

If you still have that info somewhere, I’d be happy to add it to the wiki.

Have you checked out, if not check it out. I used it to set up a couple nodes and just about anything you can do with AllStar.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 1:04 PM Tom Grasso via AllStarLink Discussion Groups <> wrote:

January 24 |

  • | - |


I am looking for definitions and ranges for the settings in usbradio_tune_usb_nnnnn.conf. Previous posts reference links at and however both sites are down. I am mostly interested in the difference between rxmixerset and rxvoiceadj. Both sound like settings for line level input (from either USB or repeater).



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As I mentioned earlier Rob, I do not have this particular info. But it was on the drupal site.

We did some black-boxing on this and came up with the following:

rxmixerset= ;Receive audio level from receiver (radio) to other nodes (network)
txmixaset= ;Transmit audio level from left channel to transmitter (usually voice channel)
txmixbset= ;Transmit audio level from right channel to transmitter (usually CTCSS tone channel)
rxvoiceadj= ;Receive audio level from receiver to transmitter (repeater)
rxctcssadj= ;Receive tone level from receiver to transmitter (repeater)
txctcssadj= ;CTCSS audio level to transmitter (how does this relate to txmixbset?)
rxsquelchadj= ;Receiver squelch
fever= ; counter for asterisk tuning procedure

Ranges: I think everything except rxvoiceadj and rxctcssadj are 0 to 1000. Not sure about rxvoice and rxctcss but maybe 0.000000 to 2.000000.

Can anyone confirm and/or comment?

Thanks in advance.


I can only state that
rxsquelchadj = ;Receiver squelch is for like use with a hf remote, but I know others have used this in the past when they could not obtain a COS.
I believe it works in conjunction with VOX, but I could be wrong about that.
I found a old conf for my old HF remote and it was set…rxsquelchadj=500
Did not work well on hf depending on type of noise but it did work.
I believe there are some more settings with that as well like voxdelay? voxthreashold ?maybe not?
Been 9 years and a bit fuzzy.

Anyway good work I think. I will keep tabs on this and save the final remarks for future.