Not receiving connection from other nodes

Good morning
I’m trying to install DVswitch into asl3. What changes do I hav to make in Asl3?

Now i have this problem;

See the forum at DVSWITCH. DVSwitch is not asl

I would suggest posting a NEW ISSUE with ALLSCAN /issue as the topic.
The correct eyes are not going to be looking for it buried in this one.
This is not asl and has it’s own software author and instructions.

Well i got both of them fixed.

In the allstar dashboard in commands to execute, there is no Connect command.

Allmon3 Monitoring Dashboard

I have DVswitch installed now i have this error from Echolink:
Insufficient user permission to execute commands

This is a new topic. Start a new thread for it and provide all details of what what you were doing when the error occurred along with relevant node numbers if applicable.