[nodes] stanza seemingly ignored

thought so
that extraneous node definition segment is just how it ships

; Note, if you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes,
; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition
; for your local nodes, and private (off of allstar link) nodes here.

1999 = radio@,NONE ; This must be changed to your node number
; and iax port number if not the default

[1999] ; Change this to your assigned node number

didn’t seem to matter if it was there or not, but interesting

I can only say that I have experienced strange anomalies when it was not placed after node descriptions. But that was versions of software ago.

It is also important to know that if each node, regardless of server, are connected to a ‘COMMON NODE NUMBER’, the connection will be refused even if they are different private nodes.
It is a loopback protection that did not discount the private node range of less than 2000, but is true for any node number.

Mike, maybe ask someone why that is there
if need be then it need be
but it seems like duplication to me

I am sorry, but it is very hard to follow what you have been saying.
You need to speak specifically and not vaguely.

Why what is there ?

Sorry Mike, to many pots boiling

was wondering if there was any found reason that little bit of node stanza
was at the top of rpt.conf I confirmed that ASL2.0B6 ships with that in place

de k9wkj

First, I do not know for sure that it is a problem having it at the top of the file.
I only asked that you move it and test it ?
Did it resolve anything… results ?

You seem to have an issue of IP assignment.
Are these DHCP? Check your net config files or if you are assigning them by MAC, check your router assignment for error.

Are you also using or have enabled wifi ? Chose one (wired/wifi) and disable the other all together.

You can’t connect to a address that is not there. Suggest wired static addresses…

But I think you have something up in your address assignments.

From a system command line, check network IP’s of each
That should be more telling.

And last check the forwarding ‘IP address’ of the ports for typo

none of our nodes run WIFI, all hard wired
all static addressing

from 558933
root@repeater:/home/repeater# ifconfig
enxb827ebb9bea0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether b8:27:eb:b9:be:a0 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

from 558936
root@6meter:/home/repeater# ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether e4:5f:01:43:90:60 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

as from a earlier post, they cant connect to each other, all while being able to ping each other

these 2 nodes are the only ASL systems on our network, the other 5 are HamVoip

I am sure this tells us what the problem is

===== iax2 show registry =====
ActionID: cpAction_1502396690
Host dnsmgr Username Perceived Refresh State Y 558936 179 Registered

[ 6meter ] [ WAN IP: [] [ LAN IP: ] [ AstP: 4576 ]

===== iax2 show registry =====
ActionID: cpAction_2094817209
Host dnsmgr Username Perceived Refresh State Y 558933 179 Registered

[ repeater ] [ WAN IP: [] [ LAN IP: ] [ AstP: 4567 ]

the as configured and the as registered ports are not the same

To help make sense of all of this unknown,
Could you map this out, and in the process, you might just find the issue.
I am having issues trying to follow along and jumping back and forth on this page is making it worse for I am ADD

Inside your NAT.

Server A
software version
ip address

Server B
software ver

Server C

List them all

Sorry to put you through that but it will be the only way I can see it comprehensively. For I am not there. I can not assume anything like I have been. That always gets me in error/trouble.
Please, one post with just that info so I can print it.

This is a internal NAT/routing issue

will do, but ti will take me a bit to paste all that together

dont feel bad, remember i said i had too many pots boiling
same thing, cant hold onto a task to completion anymore


OK, got that and while looking at your rpt.conf files you sent a few days ago,

So, 1st thing while I continue to look at all this…
I noticed this and why I said what I did about nodes being described at the beginning of the file,

Because you have 2 [NODES] stanza’s in the file.
The one at the bottom is where it should be. And extra at the top of file.
When I seen the one at the top, I really did not look to the end of the file.

‘Remove’ this at the top of the file rpt.conf, save, reboot - 558936

; Note, if you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes,
; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition
; for your local nodes, and private (off of allstar link) nodes here.

558936 = radio@,NONE ; This must be changed to your node number
; and iax port number if not the default

And on the top of 558993 rpt.conf the same

; Note, if you are using automatic update for allstar link nodes,
; no allstar link nodes should be defined here. Only place a definition
; for your local nodes, and private (off of allstar link) nodes here.

558933 = radio@,NONE ; This must be changed to your node number
; and iax port number if not the default
So, before I join you in pulling hair out, please test this as corrected.

most of my testing is shot till spring or later
a fault developed with the 6 meter machine where if it was keyed
the network halted and I do mean HALTED
it started doing that tonight but had been fine for a week
I would up driving out to one of our sites at 22:00 and had to pull power off the Pi
as the transmitter was left sending a test tone with no way to shut it down
glad i didn’t do this in the middle of winter!
I did bring the Pi back with me

de k9wkj