Nodes not showing up on the status page

Seems like a simple solution would be to whitelist that one static IP address. I currently count 42 public nodes behind that single IP address. That’s going to generate a LOT of legitimate stats traffic!

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I can do. Sorry.

Just change the uhandler program to immediately drop private/invalid nodes and solve this problem.

Something like:

/* get all of the query fields */

f_node = getentry(“node”);
if ((!f_node) || (!alldigits(f_node)) || (*f_node == ‘1’) || (*f_node == ‘0’) || (*f_node == ‘3’) || (*f_node > ‘5’))
goto err;

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information


On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 03:09:56 PM PDT, Tim Sawyer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:

ASL Admin

    May 16

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I can do. Sorry.

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To


    May 16

Ok so tell me what i can do to resolve, all nodes have the default settings. that being said there are more than 30 nodes behind this router at this time with more to come. are you then saying that allstar can not support this? i am not being given much information on what to look for? if somet…

Previous Replies


    May 16

Seems like a simple solution would be to whitelist that one static IP address. I currently count 42 public nodes behind that single IP address. That’s going to generate a LOT of legitimate stats traffic!


    May 16

Ok so tell me what i can do to resolve, all nodes have the default settings.

that being said there are more than 30 nodes behind this router at this time with more to come.

are you then saying that allstar can not support this?

i am not being given much information on what to look for?

if something is broken i need more information to find it.

is this one node, a few nodes, all notes or the combination of all nodes.

or are you saying that allstar can not support support the large number of nodes? if so what is the limit?

to ban someone without giving enough information to resolve the issue and without notice ( things where working good for a little while) is outrageous.

to be clear the general statement

“You really have to be flooding the hell out if stats like
he is to trigger this rule and ban action”

is overly general, does not provide any information on which node is causing this, or exactly what can cause this.

i am use stock settings with respect to any reporting, i changed nothing thus i do not know where to look.

or is this due to the number of nodes behind the firewall?

Please more info

··· (click for more details)

ASL Admin

    May 16

Our sysadmin says you are hitting firewall rate limits:

To keep people from flooding it and killing uhandler and apache there
is a limit of 20 new connections to 80/443 in 1 second and a max of
50 over 7 seconds. He is consistently hitting this limit due to his
flooding of stats from one or more private nodes

After hitting these firewall rules 100 times in an hour fail2ban will ban
you for 2 hours. You really have to be flooding the hell out if stats like
he is to trigger this rule and ban action


    May 16

there may be a difference in methodology here, I am using a software called ping plotter and i am showing no ping response from the address ending in 254 however if i change to a different ip address it works. this is using the exact same equipment, computers, routers allstar nodes. Furthermore using the same equipment and changing the ip address on the router from 254 to a different ip address on the same internet circuit causes everything to work.

also pinging anything other than works as expected, such as, google.con, all ping.

furthermore inbound connections to the HTTP server on port 80 of the 254 ip address (port forwarded in the router) work as expected

and inbound allstar connections for other nodes (not mine ) using the public internet connect as expected.

the only think that does not work is the

thus as inbound connections to port 80 and to the allstarlink nodes work, outbound to everywhere else works (i am sending this email thru the same network using the .245 address, the same equipment on a different ip address solves the problem, the only thing left is that allstarlink has blacklisted and or blocked my ip address for reasons unknown, just like bryan has done in the past. and this has absolutely nothing to do with using .254 as this worked for years before bryan messed with blacklisting me.

this all started 8-12-2018 when bryan black listed 254 and has been intermittent ever since, before that it worked fine.

how do i get this resolved?

··· (click for more details)

ASL Admin

    May 16

My traceroute ends at also, but I can ping even so.

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  0.332 ms  0.324 ms  324.267 ms
 2 (  0.645 ms  0.634 ms  0.606 ms
 3 (  56.313 ms  55.795 ms (  55.785 ms
 4 (  55.744 ms (  55.364 ms  55.884 ms
 5 (  56.496 ms  56.477 ms  56.471 ms
 6 (  72.803 ms  71.238 ms  73.692 ms
 7 (  70.819 ms  68.270 ms  68.245 ms
 8 (  67.924 ms  67.910 ms  67.358 ms
 9 (  68.217 ms  68.206 ms  68.195 ms
10 (  69.113 ms  68.480 ms  68.466 ms
11 (  67.846 ms  67.835 ms  67.732 ms
12 (  67.212 ms  67.575 ms  67.563 ms
13 (  67.905 ms  67.619 ms  67.863 ms
14 (  67.286 ms  67.603 ms  67.367 ms
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *
19  * * *
20  * * *
21  * * *
22  * * *
23  * * *
24  * * *
25  * * *
26  * * *
27  * * *
28  * * *
29  * * *
30  * * *
root@rambo3:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=67.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=68.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=67.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=67.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=52 time=67.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=52 time=67.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=52 time=67.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=52 time=68.0 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=52 time=67.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=52 time=67.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9012ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 67.671/67.877/68.043/0.355 ms

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What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?

On HamVoIP, by default, the registration and stat posts for node 1998 and 1999 are commented out and only present as an example of how to configure for public nodes.

1 Like

Why is the allstarlink staff so opposed to actually giving what they are actually seeing as the issue???

first the answer was that my ip address ended in .254 now the guess is node 1999

what about the actual data instead of guessing???

if someone would give me exact ally what they are seeing as the issue, such node number mac address something useful instead of general statement this could have resolved long ago.

in the ham VoIP by default the 1999 is commented out.

i provided the iax.conf registration lines showing both the private node number i assigned and the 1999 being commented out.

so it seems now i see hwy i am being singled out here, and not being helped it is because i am using the hamviop version.

some of the reasons i use the hamvoip version are when i was having issues with DIAL, the allstaling staff was not helpful (much like today) and the Hamvoip team was helpfull and without the bad attitude i and lack of information was getting from the allstarlink team.

now fast forward to today, last week i wanted to try a more powerful server to see if would resolve what i was doing. This was not an easy task, the asterisk service did not start and as a module was missing, had to research and find a solution, this took some time.

now if i need to build a hamvoip server if the radio is ready with the cable including burning the sim, i can have it working in 20 to 25 minuets. Huge difference.

now i will likely be told about the open source issues, frankly i do not care about those issues, the hamvoip team is easy to work with, and the software works, thus i do not care about the open source issues.

all i care about does it work and it does can i get answers what i kneed knowledge, yes i can. Unlike the allstarlink team.

tell me the exact node numbers mac address (something i can work with) you are having issues with and i will correct it


On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 04:36:59 PM PDT, Tim Sawyer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:

ASL Admin

    May 16

What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem. if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for t…

Previous Replies


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information

··· (click for more details)


    May 16

Just change the uhandler program to immediately drop private/invalid nodes and solve this problem.

Something like:

/* get all of the query fields */

f_node = getentry(“node”);
if ((!f_node) || (!alldigits(f_node)) || (*f_node == ‘1’) || (*f_node == ‘0’) || (*f_node == ‘3’) || (*f_node > ‘5’))
goto err;

ASL Admin

    May 16

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I can do. Sorry.


    May 16

Seems like a simple solution would be to whitelist that one static IP address. I currently count 42 public nodes behind that single IP address. That’s going to generate a LOT of legitimate stats traffic!


    May 16

Ok so tell me what i can do to resolve, all nodes have the default settings.

that being said there are more than 30 nodes behind this router at this time with more to come.

are you then saying that allstar can not support this?

i am not being given much information on what to look for?

if something is broken i need more information to find it.

is this one node, a few nodes, all notes or the combination of all nodes.

or are you saying that allstar can not support support the large number of nodes? if so what is the limit?

to ban someone without giving enough information to resolve the issue and without notice ( things where working good for a little while) is outrageous.

to be clear the general statement

“You really have to be flooding the hell out if stats like
he is to trigger this rule and ban action”

is overly general, does not provide any information on which node is causing this, or exactly what can cause this.

i am use stock settings with respect to any reporting, i changed nothing thus i do not know where to look.

or is this due to the number of nodes behind the firewall?

Please more info

··· (click for more details)

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All 3 private nodes are now public nodes

this should resolve the issues as there are no private nodes

please remove the .254 from blacklist

if you see anything else please tell me exactly what you are seeing


On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 04:36:59 PM PDT, Tim Sawyer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:

ASL Admin

    May 16

What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem. if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for t…

Previous Replies


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information

··· (click for more details)


    May 16

Just change the uhandler program to immediately drop private/invalid nodes and solve this problem.

Something like:

/* get all of the query fields */

f_node = getentry(“node”);
if ((!f_node) || (!alldigits(f_node)) || (*f_node == ‘1’) || (*f_node == ‘0’) || (*f_node == ‘3’) || (*f_node > ‘5’))
goto err;

ASL Admin

    May 16

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I can do. Sorry.


    May 16

Seems like a simple solution would be to whitelist that one static IP address. I currently count 42 public nodes behind that single IP address. That’s going to generate a LOT of legitimate stats traffic!


    May 16

Ok so tell me what i can do to resolve, all nodes have the default settings.

that being said there are more than 30 nodes behind this router at this time with more to come.

are you then saying that allstar can not support this?

i am not being given much information on what to look for?

if something is broken i need more information to find it.

is this one node, a few nodes, all notes or the combination of all nodes.

or are you saying that allstar can not support support the large number of nodes? if so what is the limit?

to ban someone without giving enough information to resolve the issue and without notice ( things where working good for a little while) is outrageous.

to be clear the general statement

“You really have to be flooding the hell out if stats like
he is to trigger this rule and ban action”

is overly general, does not provide any information on which node is causing this, or exactly what can cause this.

i am use stock settings with respect to any reporting, i changed nothing thus i do not know where to look.

or is this due to the number of nodes behind the firewall?

Please more info

··· (click for more details)

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I’m sure it’s not the register statement in iax.conf. It would be the statspost line in rpt.conf in the private nodes stanza that is the issue. I’d say make sure you are not attempting to report stats for private nodes to the asl servers. If only valid node numbers were reporting stats from an IP address then I’m sure ASL would not have any problem making an exception. But I’m pretty sure they have every right to block an IP that is sending junk attempts.

Thank you
Nathan Hardman


On May 16, 2020, at 7:16 PM, Chris via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information

··· (click for more details)

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To

ASL Admin

    May 16

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I …

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@Nate_Hardman, What leads you to believe there are private nodes involved? @chris43 says these are all public nodes behind a NAT router? Granted that’s a lot of traffic coming from one IP but how is it different than coming from all separate IPs?

thank you for giving me direction on where to look, as i do not know how the servers communicated with the allstar servers i did not know to look there. i never ran into this before.

i believe i have logged into every node and corrected this where i found it wrong.

i am unsure how this would have changed as i never had more than one node on each Pi server.

hopefully this resolves this issue

it is very helpful when the knowledge is shared


On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 08:17:29 PM PDT, Nate Hardman via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:

ASL Admin

    May 17

I’m sure it’s not the register statement in iax.conf. It would be the statspost line in rpt.conf in the private nodes stanza that is the issue. I’d say make sure you are not attempting to report stats for private nodes to the asl servers. If only valid node numbers were reporting stats from an IP address then I’m sure ASL would not have any problem making an exception. But I’m pretty sure they have every right to block an IP that is sending junk attempts.

Thank you
Nathan Hardman

··· (click for more details)

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem. if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for t…

Previous Replies


    May 17

All 3 private nodes are now public nodes

this should resolve the issues as there are no private nodes

please remove the .254 from blacklist

if you see anything else please tell me exactly what you are seeing

··· (click for more details)


    May 17

Why is the allstarlink staff so opposed to actually giving what they are actually seeing as the issue???

first the answer was that my ip address ended in .254 now the guess is node 1999

what about the actual data instead of guessing???

if someone would give me exact ally what they are seeing as the issue, such node number mac address something useful instead of general statement this could have resolved long ago.

in the ham VoIP by default the 1999 is commented out.

i provided the iax.conf registration lines showing both the private node number i assigned and the 1999 being commented out.

so it seems now i see hwy i am being singled out here, and not being helped it is because i am using the hamviop version.

some of the reasons i use the hamvoip version are when i was having issues with DIAL, the allstaling staff was not helpful (much like today) and the Hamvoip team was helpfull and without the bad attitude i and lack of information was getting from the allstarlink team.

now fast forward to today, last week i wanted to try a more powerful server to see if would resolve what i was doing. This was not an easy task, the asterisk service did not start and as a module was missing, had to research and find a solution, this took some time.

now if i need to build a hamvoip server if the radio is ready with the cable including burning the sim, i can have it working in 20 to 25 minuets. Huge difference.

now i will likely be told about the open source issues, frankly i do not care about those issues, the hamvoip team is easy to work with, and the software works, thus i do not care about the open source issues.

all i care about does it work and it does can i get answers what i kneed knowledge, yes i can. Unlike the allstarlink team.

tell me the exact node numbers mac address (something i can work with) you are having issues with and i will correct it

··· (click for more details)


    May 16

On HamVoIP, by default, the registration and stat posts for node 1998 and 1999 are commented out and only present as an example of how to configure for public nodes.

ASL Admin

    May 16

What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?


    May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information

··· (click for more details)

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It appears you have corrected the configurations that were causing the excess traffic to the ASL stats server as your IP is no longer triggering the “Denial of Service attack filters” Which I’m sure you will agree maintaining a defense against such types attacks are a benefit to the AllStarLink community. Please keep us informed if you have plans to add additional nodes behind that same IP address we may in the future need to add exceptions. Also please ensure any nodes you help someone with does not have the status reporting turned on for private nodes. The asl-menu scripts released along with ASL_V1.01 used for initial node configuration have the feature to turn off status reporting for node numbers below 2000.


i just needed to know what to look for, as i am on the sending end and not the receiving end i can not see what is happening.

your clue was all i needed to figure it out.

giving a little information can go a long way


On Sunday, May 17, 2020, 06:19:50 PM PDT, Nate Hardman via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:

ASL Admin

    May 18

It appears you have corrected the configurations that were causing the excess traffic to the ASL stats server as your IP is no longer triggering the “Denial of Service attack filters” Which I’m sure you will agree maintaining a defense against such types attacks are a benefit to the AllStarLink community. Please keep us informed if you have plans to add additional nodes behind that same IP address we may in the future need to add exceptions. Also please ensure any nodes you help someone with does not have the status reporting turned on for private nodes. The asl-menu scripts released along with ASL_V1.01 used for initial node configuration have the feature to turn off status reporting for node numbers below 2000.

Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To


    May 17

thank you for giving me direction on where to look, as i do not know how the servers communicated with the allstar servers i did not know to look there. i never ran into this before. i believe i have logged into every node and corrected this where i found it wrong. i am unsure how this would have…

Previous Replies


    May 17

thank you for giving me direction on where to look, as i do not know how the servers communicated with the allstar servers i did not know to look there. i never ran into this before.

i believe i have logged into every node and corrected this where i found it wrong.

i am unsure how this would have changed as i never had more than one node on each Pi server.

hopefully this resolves this issue

it is very helpful when the knowledge is shared

··· (click for more details)

ASL Admin

    May 17

@Nate_Hardman, What leads you to believe there are private nodes involved? @chris43 says these are all public nodes behind a NAT router? Granted that’s a lot of traffic coming from one IP but how is it different than coming from all separate IPs?

ASL Admin

    May 17

I’m sure it’s not the register statement in iax.conf. It would be the statspost line in rpt.conf in the private nodes stanza that is the issue. I’d say make sure you are not attempting to report stats for private nodes to the asl servers. If only valid node numbers were reporting stats from an IP address then I’m sure ASL would not have any problem making an exception. But I’m pretty sure they have every right to block an IP that is sending junk attempts.

Thank you
Nathan Hardman

··· (click for more details)


    May 17

All 3 private nodes are now public nodes

this should resolve the issues as there are no private nodes

please remove the .254 from blacklist

if you see anything else please tell me exactly what you are seeing

··· (click for more details)


    May 17

Why is the allstarlink staff so opposed to actually giving what they are actually seeing as the issue???

first the answer was that my ip address ended in .254 now the guess is node 1999

what about the actual data instead of guessing???

if someone would give me exact ally what they are seeing as the issue, such node number mac address something useful instead of general statement this could have resolved long ago.

in the ham VoIP by default the 1999 is commented out.

i provided the iax.conf registration lines showing both the private node number i assigned and the 1999 being commented out.

so it seems now i see hwy i am being singled out here, and not being helped it is because i am using the hamviop version.

some of the reasons i use the hamvoip version are when i was having issues with DIAL, the allstaling staff was not helpful (much like today) and the Hamvoip team was helpfull and without the bad attitude i and lack of information was getting from the allstarlink team.

now fast forward to today, last week i wanted to try a more powerful server to see if would resolve what i was doing. This was not an easy task, the asterisk service did not start and as a module was missing, had to research and find a solution, this took some time.

now if i need to build a hamvoip server if the radio is ready with the cable including burning the sim, i can have it working in 20 to 25 minuets. Huge difference.

now i will likely be told about the open source issues, frankly i do not care about those issues, the hamvoip team is easy to work with, and the software works, thus i do not care about the open source issues.

all i care about does it work and it does can i get answers what i kneed knowledge, yes i can. Unlike the allstarlink team.

tell me the exact node numbers mac address (something i can work with) you are having issues with and i will correct it

··· (click for more details)

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Per your email below, it’s nice to see you help fix this problem with your HamVoIP node software install configuration.

Glad that you were able to realize that your node software setup configuration was sending private and invalid node information to the ASL servers, which in turn, was causing issues for some folks that use your software.

It’s proof that we can work together and solve problems for the users instead of pointing fingers. :slight_smile:

All of the ASL folks are purely motivated in helping others using Allstarlink to solve their problems. For the record there are no secrets being kept by the ASL team!

Since we all volunteer in our spare time in between work, family, and other commitments, sometimes it takes a few days to get back to folks that have problems and ask questions on this forum.

We all need to remember this is a hobby and everyone is here to have fun, no one is getting paid, and ASL does not charge for support as it is given freely.

We (ASL) all do the best we can for the hobby and this technology that was freely given to the amateur radio community by the many great individuals that came before all of us!


Marshall - ke6pcv


-----Original Message-----
From: ARM [] On Behalf Of “David McGough via ARM”
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2020 6:33 PM
Cc: David McGough
Subject: [arm] Update for stats data reporting


It came to my attention this afternoon that a significant number of

HamVoIP nodes may be sending data for private node number 1999 to the ASL

stats server, Since node 1999 (or other nodes

starting with 1) is private, this data is discarded by the stats server

and is just useless noise.

I’ve updated a couple HamVoIP packages, attempting to help improve this

situation. The updated code filters out any private node data that may

accidentally be sent.

Please update your nodes using admin option #1 to automatically retrieve

and install these updates. A system reboot or restart isn’t needed after

this update.


73, David KB4FXC

From: David McGough via AllStarLink Discussion Groups []
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2020 4:48 PM
Subject: [AllStarLink Discussion Groups] [App_rpt-users] Nodes not showing up on the status page

May 16

On HamVoIP, by default, the registration and stat posts for node 1998 and 1999 are commented out and only present as an example of how to configure for public nodes.

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In Reply To

wd6awp ASL Admin
May 16

What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?

Previous Replies

wd6awp ASL Admin
May 16

What about all the number 1999 nodes that exist on every HamVoIP node by default? Are those all not registering or stat posting?

May 16

why do i need to keep prodding for more information, allstalink should clearly and consistency giving all information when telling someone that they have a problem.

if you know it is a private node, tell the offender what privet node is causing the issue and how to fix it, why is this asking for too much.

i have a total of 3 private nodes here is from the iax.conf of each node

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

;register =>

as you can see the line to not register is commented out.

if there is a private node left on by error more information will help to find it.

the WAN spans 2 States.

furthermore i find it hard to believe that even if my 3 nodes are where registering inappropriately that it could cause so much trouble that i need to be banned.

if errant data from 3 nodes can bring down the system i am surprised it works at all.

furthermore it seems to that allstarlink’s unwillingness to provide information and assistance tells mat they do not care to help, point fingers as this-is all i seem to get from allstarlink.

with by=ryans departure i thought allstarlink would improve i guess i was wrong.

instead of asking me to prove a negative (that i am not doing something) tell me what i need to know to resolve this issue.

as i keep asking please provide more information

··· (click for more details)

May 16

Just change the uhandler program to immediately drop private/invalid nodes and solve this problem.

Something like:

/* get all of the query fields */

f_node = getentry(“node”);
if ((!f_node) || (!alldigits(f_node)) || (*f_node == ‘1’) || (*f_node == ‘0’) || (*f_node == ‘3’) || (*f_node > ‘5’))
goto err;

wd6awp ASL Admin
May 16

Our admin says you are registering and stat posting private nodes. If that’s not the case you can get with him to prove otherwise. I know you had a trouble in on this and the issue was not resolved. But that’s your only option at this point. I have no control of the firewall so there nothing more I can do. Sorry.

May 16

Seems like a simple solution would be to whitelist that one static IP address. I currently count 42 public nodes behind that single IP address. That’s going to generate a LOT of legitimate stats traffic!

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I update my node for 49311 to 493110 two days ago and it no longer registers on the allstar screen. Any thoughts as to what i can look at

You must change the register= line in iax.conf to you new node number.

Have you read these NNX docs?

register => 493110:*

I updated the ALS line and added the new hamvoip key


Here are diagnostics from this node:

493110*CLI> iax2 show registry
Host                  dnsmgr  Username               Perceived             Refresh  State    Y       493110                 <Unregistered>             60  Registered    Y       493110#4569          60  Registered

493110*CLI> dnsmgr refresh

493110*CLI> iax2 reload

493110*CLI> iax2 show registry
Host                  dnsmgr  Username               Perceived             Refresh  State   Y       493110                 <Unregistered>             60  Registered    Y       493110#4569          60  Registered

493110*CLI> dnsmgr refresh

493110*CLI> iax2 reload

493110*CLI> iax2 show registry
Host                  dnsmgr  Username               Perceived             Refresh  State     Y       493110                 <Unregistered>             60  Registered    Y       493110#4569          60  Registered

493110*CLI> core show uptime
System uptime: 19 hours, 35 minutes, 6 seconds

Note that after this point I restarted asterisk a couple times, no change.

Looks like the ALS register is wrong. Remove the :* and see if it registers.

Not sure about the hamvoip.

thanks * is the hidden password