Mobile node - Request new node # or NNX?

Hello everyone. I’m interested in setting up a mobile Allstar node, which will be separate from my home node. In doing so, is it best to request a new node ID, or a Node Extension?

Brian, AB3RI

Technically it would not matter which way you choose. But in the long run, it would be better to use the node extension method to save node numbers being issued to new users in the future.




On Aug 20, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Brian Pasternak via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:


    August 20

Hello everyone. I’m interested in setting up a mobile Allstar node, which will be separate from my home node. In doing so, is it best to request a new node ID, or a Node Extension?

Brian, AB3RI

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Thanks, Marshall. That’s the way I went, with the NNX. Just didn’t know if there were advantages to go with a new node ID.

Thanks again.

Brian, AB3RI