Login time frame

I recently created a new account for my node. I have not received word of my account being created and can’t login yet. How long does it usually take ? Thank you

Hi Riley,

With AllStar you don’t automatically get a node when you signup. There a a couple of steps you must take including building your own node server with a Raspberry Pi or dedicated Intel PC. We have instructions to get you started on our Beginners guide. Please take a look at that and comeback here with your questions.

I see that you signed up and was approved 2020-04-15 20:16:54 for membership. Are you having trouble logging into your account or having trouble figuring out how to apply for a node number?

I think I have it all setup. I ordered a node and the guy making it needed the info. I am new to all star. I am familiar with irlp and echolink but am looking forward to getting to learn all-star.

Thank you


On Fri, Apr 17, 2020, 11:48 Kevin Custer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups noreply@community.allstarlink.org wrote:


      Board Member

    April 17

I see that you signed up and was approved 2020-04-15 20:16:54 for membership. Are you having trouble logging into your account or having trouble figuring out how to apply for a node number?

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Okay great, glad you got it going.