Executing commands from DTMF

Folks, trying to get newsline setup for a friend’s node. I have a script that when executed from command prompt runs fine. I need to run it from a DTMF command. Trying *999. I set in rpt.conf:

newsline is my bash script (runs fine from: /etc/asterisk/newsline)

From searching here this looks like it should work, based on some advice from B WB0YLE.
It doesn’t work. I get (when running 999 from CLI)
repeaterCLI> rpt cmd 2360 fun 999
Usage: rpt cmd

  •   Send a command to a node.*
  •    i.e. rpt cmd 2000 ilink 3 2001*


Maybe I have stared at this for too long but I just can’t find any documentation about executing a command from within asterisk

Anybody able to point me toward documentation?
GeorgeC W2DB 2360 28599

Doesn’t the shell script line need “.sh” on the end?

On Unix files are files the extension is not used in determining file type. So newsline and newsline.sh are both valid file names for a shell script. The shell script should have the magic incantation #!/path/to/interpreter at the top (first text in the file) and needs to be set as executable. Check the permissions on your script, if the eXicute bit is not set it won’t run.



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On May 19, 2020, at 9:42 AM, Jon Welfringer via AllStarLink Discussion Groups noreply@community.allstarlink.org wrote:


    May 19

Doesn’t the shell script line need “.sh” on the end?

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    May 18

Folks, trying to get newsline setup for a friend’s node. I have a script that when executed from command prompt runs fine. I need to run it from a DTMF command. Trying *999. I set in rpt.conf:

newsline is my bash script (runs fine from: /etc/asterisk/newsline)

From searching here this looks like it should work, based on some advice from B WB0YLE.
It doesn’t work. I get (when running 999 from CLI)
repeaterCLI> rpt cmd 2360 fun 999
Usage: rpt cmd

  •   Send a command to a node.*
  •    i.e. rpt cmd 2000 ilink 3 2001*


Maybe I have stared at this for too long but I just can’t find any documentation about executing a command from within asterisk

Anybody able to point me toward documentation?
GeorgeC W2DB 2360 28599

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