But first gotta know it’s there. Maybe add to the menu the ability to select “other” and populate the config file that way.
But first gotta know it’s there. Maybe add to the menu the ability to select “other” and populate the config file that way.
If you have some time and writing abilities, we’d love more contributors to the documentation.
Hi, love to assist. Tell me what you want and where to send it to.
Benno, PA3FBX
The documentation thing has been weak even back to the beginning of app_rpt. One might want to contribute but how do you write about features that you don’t know exist. res_usbradio.conf is an example. In the past I have gone into the source to find answers. Now the source is not easy to follow. This is a tough issue for certain as the people writing the code are doing it between family outings, real jobs, etc. And back to the CM119 issue above I saw that waaay back when I had the identical problem. I alerted Duuuude he never got to it though but it has been that way in the source forever. I don’t remember if it was the same between usbradio and simpleusb. I’ve used both. I wish there was an easy way to get the documentation to represent what is inside app_rpt. I have been using it since 2010 and still finding “oh wow” moments. Jim built a lot of features in.
Still runs rings around echolink
GeorgeC W2DB 2360, etc…
In this case, we (@kb4mdd) just updated the ASL3 Manual : USB Audio Interfaces documentation.