Can't Get Pi 2.0.0-beta to Boot

Downloaded the Pi img twice. Wrote it to an 8gig highspeed micro-sd. Tried booting on BOTH a Pi 2B and a Pi 3. All I get is a constant re-boot loop. Win32 disk imager fails to verify the image: ’ verify failed at sector 8192 '. Any thoughts?

Try writing the Micro-SD with balenaEtcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives

Balena did write AND verify, but I still get a boot loop. Tried 2 different 8GB cards: A Samsung industrial and a Transcend Premium.

Confirm you got it from here:

I did get that image from the official downloads site.

I have a black screen when installing on Parallels and another person is reporting the same issue when installing on a VM. Maybe the same issue you are having. Will ask @KK9ROB about it.

I just downloaded the zip file and wrote a 16Gb SanDisk Ultra micro-sd with BalenaEtcher on my Mac. Put the sd in a Pi 3 model B ver 1.2. It booted up fine. No problem!

“Trouble is leaving here ok” as we used to say.

I found the problem. It was the USB cable I was using for bench test! Must have been low voltage to the Pi. All is fine now.

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