Can not find info for node xxxxx from

I’m not sure what I did wrong, but I’m sure it’s somehow my fault. I setup a second radioless node on my Pi server to be used as a HUB node. Everything seems to be working correctly. I can connect to is and the connections work as expected. The node is registering on, but when I click on the node number from the website, I get “Can not find info for node 501265” as an error. Also, when I use Supermon and click on “Bubble Chart” link, I get a different but similar error, “NODE INFO NOT FOUND!”

I’ve triple checked all my setting files and everything seems to be correct (but I may have missed something). As I said, the node seems to be working correctly, and the error does not hinder the functionality of the node. I’m just curious why it is not registering information with and cuasing these errors. Any help is appreciated.


Did you setup the statpost_program= lines in that nodes stanza in /etc/asterisk/rpt.conf ?


Nathan Hardman


Thank you, that was the problem. I knew it was something stupid and easy I was overlooking. Now the node is registering with the site and I can click on the bubble chart from However, since the update last night, all my nodes on Supermon are listing as Private Nodes or Not in Database. Any suggestions on what I’m missing after the update?


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That would be an issue specifically with the hamvoip distribution and not within the control of or its servers.
I am sure if you email hamvoip they will either revert the update until they can make the corrections or they will release another update with corrections as soon as they are able.

Thank you
Nathan Hardman


On Aug 26, 2019, at 10:28 AM, Larry AYCOCK via AllStarLink Discussion Groups wrote:


    August 26

Thank you, that was the problem. I knew it was something stupid and easy I was overlooking. Now the node is registering with the site and I can click on the bubble chart from However, since the update last night, all my nodes on Supermon are listing as Private Nodes or Not in Database. Any suggestions on what I’m missing after the update?


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