ASL3 - Echolink - Can connect to my node but not from, but problems both directions


I’ve applied the update to the Pi appliance, but I still can’t make outgoing Echolink connections. I had manually made the port forwarding rules last night, so it looks like I’m actually registered. Also, the iOS Echolink app sees my node and connects to it, although, interewtingly, I don’t get the connect or disconnect announcements, even though I have the telemetry set to follow the other telemetry and have the announce mode set to announce the node number.

Here’s what I get when I try to connect to the Echolink test server:

Call for node el0/009999 on echolink/el0-3, failed. Node not found in database.

Hungup ‘DAHDI/pseudo-1659359574’

Hungup ‘DAHDI/pseudo-743333007’

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Directory completed downloading(partial,compressed), 498 records.

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘rpt/node.gsm’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/3.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/0.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/0.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/9.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/9.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/9.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘digits/9.ulaw’ (language ‘en’)

<DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133> Playing ‘rpt/connection_failed.gsm’ (language ‘en’)

Hungup ‘DAHDI/pseudo-1604746133’

And when I connect to my node from the outside, i.e. with the iPhone app, I get this. While it does connect, it looks like there are things that aren’t quite going right:

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Directory completed downloading(partial,compressed), 785 records.

[2024-07-05 14:50:20.857] ERROR[32221]: chan_echolink.c:3219 do_new_call: Cannot find database entry for IP address, Callsign KB5ELV.

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Directory completed downloading(partial,compressed), 550 records.

Executing [23311@radio-secure:1] NoOp(“echolink/el0-4”, “Connect from node: 3321817”) in new stack

Executing [23311@radio-secure:2] NoOp(“echolink/el0-4”, “Connect to: 23311”) in new stack

[2024-07-05 14:50:26.345] WARNING[32869][C-0000001b]: func_channel.c:569 func_channel_read: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’

Executing [23311@radio-secure:3] NoOp(“echolink/el0-4”, "The Channel IP is ") in new stack

[2024-07-05 14:50:26.345] WARNING[32869][C-0000001b]: func_channel.c:569 func_channel_read: Unknown or unavailable item requested: ‘peerip’

Executing [23311@radio-secure:4] GotoIf(“echolink/el0-4”, “0?connect”) in new stack

Executing [23311@radio-secure:5] GotoIf(“echolink/el0-4”, “1?denylist”) in new stack

Goto (radio-secure,23311,9)

Executing [23311@radio-secure:9] GotoIf(“echolink/el0-4”, “0?:connect”) in new stack

Goto (radio-secure,23311,12)

Executing [23311@radio-secure:12] Rpt(“echolink/el0-4”, “23311”) in new stack

> Received OK from Echolink server

> Directory completed downloading(partial,compressed), 313 records.

> Received OK from Echolink server

Hungup ‘DAHDI/pseudo-1136264554’

And then, my echolink.conf file:

; If you are going to use this channel driver, you MUST enable it in modules.conf
; change:
; noload => ; echolink Channel Driver
; to:
; load => chan_echolink ; echolink Channel Driver

call = KB5ELV-R ; Change this!
pwd = something-goes-here ; Change this!
name = Buddy ; Change this!
qth = Erie, PA USA ; Change this!
email = ; Change this!
node = 17681 ; Change this!
; Data for EchoLink Status Page
lat = 0.0 ; Latitude in decimal degrees
lon = 0.0 ; Longitude in decimal degrees
freq = 446.225 ; not mandatory Frequency in MHz
tone = 103.5 ; not mandatory CTCSS Tone (0 for none)
power = 1 ; 0=0W, 1=1W, 2=4W, 3=9W, 4=16W, 5=25W, 6=36W, 7=49W, 8=64W, 9=81W (Power in Watts)
height = 0 ; 0=10 1=20 2=40 3=80 4=160 5=320 6=640 7=1280 8=2560 9=5120 (AMSL in Feet)
gain = 0 ; Gain in db (0-9)
dir = 0 ; 0=omni 1=45deg 2=90deg 3=135deg 4=180deg 5=225deg 6=270deg 7=315deg 8=360deg (Direction)

maxstns = 20 ; Max Stations

rtcptimeout = 10 ; Max number of missed heartbeats from EL
recfile = /tmp/echolink_recorded.gsm ;
astnode = 23311 ; Change this!
context = radio-secure ; Default in code is echolink-in

; Max 4 servers
server1 =
server2 =
server3 =
server4 =

; To deny w6xxx you would add the statement: deny = w6xxx
; To prohibit computer-based connections you would write: permit = -
; To allow access to only a select group of callsigns: permit = w6abc,w6def,…

; permit ; comma delimited list of callsign, type (-r)
; deny

; Remote text commands thru netcat:
; o.conip (request a connect)
; o.dconip (request a disconnect)
; o.rec (turn on/off recording)

; ipaddr
; port

#tryinclude custom/echolink.conf

Any idea where I went wrong? Clearly it’s something since I’m supposing others have gotten this working.

First, lets see if your node is downloading the master echolink list. Type this command in the cli.

echolink dbget nodename 9999

You should see




I neglected to mention that when I did an
echolink dbdump
it did show the whole database, including 9999.

Specifically asking for 9999, I get

So, yep, it really is downloading the database.

That’s why I’m stumped.

–Buddy, KB5ELV

FYI : I just created :

If it tells anyone anything, same thing happens when I attempt to connect to any Echolink node. And the output that I get when I connect in to my node from outside is also perplexing.

We found a problem when connecting to any EchoLink node that has leading zeros (e.g. 009999).

A fix is coming.

The proposed code fix for this issue will appear in asl3-asterisk-28.1.0+asl3-3.0.1

The updated packages for this is out: ASL3 3.02 Release Notes