ASL3 connection issue

Whoops. . . . typo: rpt.conf

Yes, DTMF commands can be long strings when concatenating several commands or when sending a remote execution command (*4xxxxx yyyyyyy) for a connected node. This is a serious bug.

I also tried adding the max_dns_node_length = 6 in rpt.conf and still getting the long voice queue warning in /var/log/asterisk/messages after the 4th digit of the node, and no connection made. node_lookup_method = both was already there in mine as well.

You can change the node lookup method to file. That will disable dns lookups.

With method = file I see all the DTMF codes logged with no long queue messages, but the node doesn’t connect.

That perhaps is a different issue in cause.
Can you state both node#'s in question. from node xxx to node xxx

And Try some various nodes as well.

I already have method = both . So, you are saying that method = file should work?

I’m trying to connect 49555 to 49520. My phone is connected via IAX to 49555 and I’m dialing *349520. Get the same problem trying to connect to any node with > 4 digit node number I’ve tried. I have tried connecting the other way 49520 to 49555, same result.

Is the node number you want to connect to present in the file


The problem is in app_rpt recognizing DTMF commands for nodes longer than 4 digits.

I am building a new Pi server and would like to use ASL3. What are the chances that this bug will be fixed soon?

Can you please answer mine and KB4MDD’s questions. This is not a bug I or others can duplicate. I connect to 5 and 6 digit nodes all the time with the default configs.

Jason, I’m not sure which questions. The node number(s) I have been trying to connect to is in the var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes file.

I am using CLI asterisk -rx “rpt fun 41886 *342610” to connect (not DTMF audio).

db|grep 42610


I’ve changed: node_lookup_method = both to node_lookup_method = file .
This does make the connection. 'Not clear on why “both” doesn’t cover that case; but it is working. Thanks for the help.

What dns server are you using?

If you change node look up method = dns, and attempt to connect does it fail?

I want to see if the problem is only associated with the both option.

This is definitely a bug. It happens on every install I have done, at least 5 installs on 2 raspis. It’s always the same. Can’t connect to nodes with more than 4 digits. All you have to do to duplicate it is download the latest version and install it. I have yet to see it work on any install and it sounds like Tom is seeing exactly the same.

Looks like I"ve already been asked to submit a bug report on the thread I opened on the same issue. I was going to update this thread because it was getting responses, but I will move to the other case now as it has already been recognized as a bug.

There is definitely an issue with DNS lookups for nodes that is being exacerbated by 3.0.4. It’s definitely very network-setup dependent so it’s a bear to troubleshoot.