ASL3 connection issue

Well, it looks like your node can pickup the information needed to connect to the remote nodes.

Good that your incoming connections are working.

As for your outgoing connections, this feels like a networking issue. Are you using any type of VPN? or might you have an outgoing firewall blocking (or redirecting) your traffic?

My ASL2 nodes on the same LAN don’t have this problem.

I just started having the same problem myself with ASL3 and Rpi4. It was working ok yesterday.

I just started tcpdump looking at traffic to the gateway (
tcpdump -n host

When I try to connect to 42610, I see this:
23:54:50.721009 IP > 18906+ SRV? (54)

'Looks like the node 42610 is truncated to just 4 digits. Node 2000, of course is no problem. Perhaps this was broken in a recent “update”.

ASL will start looking for node information as soon as you’ve entered 4 digits. But, you should see additional queries as you enter more digits.

The recent ASL3-Asterisk 20.9.1+asl3-3.0.4-1 update included :

  • app_rpt: Correct 5 digit node lookup from 4 digit node pr #372

Q? is it possible that you did not restart your node after it was last updated to v3.0.4 and that the “asterisk” process is still running an earlier version?

Note: the recently added Node Resolution - AllStarLink Manual page may be of interest.

I wonder if this is related to my issue with DTMF strings longer that six characters? I can also join 4 char nodes, but 5 character and longer fail. Are you seeing anything in /var/log/asterisk/messages? "Exceptionally long voice queue length" during DTMF

Sounds like the same symptoms. I can link nodes with Allmon3 no matter the length, I’m betting the node lookup tool will all work. It’s only when using DTMF longer than 6 chars. That’s when the queue backs up on the channel the DTMF came in on.

As I noted in the case I created, the asl-node-lookup command is successful and matches with google DNS or my ISP DNS. Perhaps something with pr #372 is hanging the channel after the 4th digit of the node? It looks like it’s only link and unlink, wait just link, commands that hang at 6 chars. The disconnect/unlink/*1 command is working as expected on node numbers longer than 4 chars. I can enter *722722722 and it will ‘hear’ all the characters. Updating my other case with more detail.

outbound connections are fine from Allmon3. Here is a connection to 42610:

from asterisk CLI:

-- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
-- Format for call is (ulaw)

from TCP dump:

09:47:02.677585 IP > 47916+ SRV? (55)
09:47:02.741800 IP > 47916 1/0/0 SRV 11 10 (102)
09:47:02.742297 IP > 27212+ A? (45)
09:47:02.791083 IP > 27212 1/0/0 A (61)
09:47:02.891124 IP > 4493+ A? (39)
09:47:02.891952 IP > 4493 2/0/0 CNAME, A (95)

I see from some previous dialogs that there is a line needed in rpt.conf. I’ve added that with no change. The problem isn’t a network issue. It is ASL3 not properly handling DTMF or “rpt fun 41886 *342610”.

added to rpt.comf:

max_dns_node_length = 6

was already in rpt.comf:

node_lookup_method = both


Whoops. . . . typo: rpt.conf

Yes, DTMF commands can be long strings when concatenating several commands or when sending a remote execution command (*4xxxxx yyyyyyy) for a connected node. This is a serious bug.

I also tried adding the max_dns_node_length = 6 in rpt.conf and still getting the long voice queue warning in /var/log/asterisk/messages after the 4th digit of the node, and no connection made. node_lookup_method = both was already there in mine as well.

You can change the node lookup method to file. That will disable dns lookups.

With method = file I see all the DTMF codes logged with no long queue messages, but the node doesn’t connect.

That perhaps is a different issue in cause.
Can you state both node#'s in question. from node xxx to node xxx

And Try some various nodes as well.

I already have method = both . So, you are saying that method = file should work?

I’m trying to connect 49555 to 49520. My phone is connected via IAX to 49555 and I’m dialing *349520. Get the same problem trying to connect to any node with > 4 digit node number I’ve tried. I have tried connecting the other way 49520 to 49555, same result.

Is the node number you want to connect to present in the file


The problem is in app_rpt recognizing DTMF commands for nodes longer than 4 digits.

I am building a new Pi server and would like to use ASL3. What are the chances that this bug will be fixed soon?

Can you please answer mine and KB4MDD’s questions. This is not a bug I or others can duplicate. I connect to 5 and 6 digit nodes all the time with the default configs.