ASL 2 source/remote base/audio holes

Frustrated here. Trying to figure out ASL2. Remote base function does not work. If you include lines to enable, such as
asterisk will not see the URI.
So, first question: was remote removed from the source?
Tried following the steps in the docs to compile. That fails at git clone
page does not exist.
So, next question, where is the source code(used for ASL 2)? Looking at github there seems to be more than one version.
Also when trying to load dependencies I get lots of this:
[Err:3 Index of /raspbian buster/main armhf libblkid-dev armhf 2.33.1-0.1
** 404 Not Found [IP: 80]]**
Remote still works in asl 1 though lots of holes in audio. Dahdi_dummy does not fix this. These holes in audio (NOT CLICKS) are bad and not network related because locally just sending tone from this raspberry pi to the radio they exist. And this appears on any platform I have tried. arm or intel. Just getting frustrated over this problem, plus lack of support for the remotes in V2
GeorgeC W2DB
The docs do not reflect the reality I find.
GeorgeC W2DB

Check out the announcement just posted to the community: ASL3 Beta Announcement
Start with ASL3 and you will be miles ahead.

looking at it right now. downloaded the image but that doesn’t work, looks like they have over complicated the install. rpt.conf still missing the mode command for remote base. I’m used to downloading an image and burn it, boot and go. Now it needs all this windows stuff to get it working on a Pi. Tried getting the Raspberry Pi “loader” on my Mint installation and get errors, can’t get that. Not looking promising
It needs a burn and go image. pi imager will not run in WINE either.

This gonna take some time to install…I hope it fixes the audio hole problems I see on every node. I do know that the other guys(hamvoip) fixed it.
GeorgeC W2DB

The Raspberry Pi imager is supported on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. The “Ubuntu” image should work fine on any reasonably current version of Mint - The ASL3 Pi Appliance is closely tracking what Raspberry Pi OS is doing upstream.

The reason for using the Raspberry Pi installer is to provide easy customization of Wireless and to have good security around the initial system account.