beta version

When I look at the download beta version on the website it shows the last time it was updated as March of 2021.
Is Allstar been updated in the last 2 years from or am I missing where the updates are?
Does it work with debian version 12?
How stable is the beta version?
I have an old version running on a couple PI’s but would like to update if I can on a new install.

That is the latest version which works with deb10.

Others have been working on work-arounds for later versions of the OS, but I have not seen them post a solid method.

Perhaps someone will chime in on that.

One of the largest issues you have with later OS is with the dahdi module breaking on later kernels.
dahdi is a shared object asterisk module that also has to work with our core app_rpt.

Yes, it has been too long since we updated ASL. However, we have been busy. We did get out an update to Allmon recently. Take a look at Allmon3 if you’ve not seen it.

And there is more coming. We are working on an ASL update and hope to have it out early in 2024.

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Yes, dahdi is a pita. If the kernel updates dahdi breaks and ASL won’t run. In the past some of the distros updated the kernel but not the kernel headers so there was no recourse. Lately there have been DAHDI improvements and it should run with the latest kernels.

Thanks for the comments and will try the beta version.

I think the last version I downloaded was using Debian 9, and this week I updated two instances I had to Debian 11. I tried Debian 12, but Asterisk segfaulted, so I didn’t go beyond there. I noticed that DAHDI wasn’t behaving, so I pulled it in through apt by the usual means and it works fine. Later versions of DAHDI (out of 3.x) also seem to work fine. My instances are all in VMware and acting as hubs, so I haven’t put any of that to the test with hardware, i.e. anything using PCI radio interfaces, so your mileage may vary. You should, however, be good up to Debian 11.

I’ve been running this in a Debian 11 VM under Proxmox for quite a while now and it works fine

F4HWD/ASL-Asterisk: Version of Asterisk used for AllStarLink (for new Debian versions)

Just tried this install on a fresh Debian 11.8.0 install and got an error on the compiling.

The digium site is not properly redirecting to the site.

The file it downloads is just a directory listing of the site instead of the actual sound files.

The correct link is:

Edit the Makefile in the ASL-Asterisk/asterisk/sounds directory.
Change the SOUNDS_URL line to point to the above URL

(thanks to Mike N5ZR for the above info)


That worked.

And just like that, ASL on Debian 11.


With running now on Debain 11 Bullseye:

Do you think this is anything to be of concern? Everything seems to be fine and working as it should.

/var/log/asterisk/messages shows a couple times here and there in the log:
[Jan 3 18:49:49] ERROR[1175] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory

Here is what asterisk -rvvv says for command: dahdi show status:

Nah, I’m running 3 different VM’s with Bullseye and that ASL beta and regardless of the dahdi entries, they all work fine (using CM108 on 2 and a radioless hub on the 3rd)

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@k6ian ian, out of curiosity,
what/who are the ownership of the files in /dev/dahdi for your install on D11 ?

FB, thanks.
I did install on deb12 on a vultr cloud without issue that I know of yet anyway.
I only had some issue with ufw initially. Which I fought for some time before figuring it out.

I find it strange it is calling for a file that does not exist in any standard install.
You might create a dummy empty file with the same ownership and permissions and see if it goes away.
touch /dev/dahdi/transcode

If you should find some resulting issue, perhaps just a dahdi rebuild would fix it ?
But I would not worry about it if it hangs around unless it pollutes your logs.