Allstar Wiki edit

Don’t find a link where a normal user can report Items needing a WIKI
So I’m sending this to the Community Board. Hopefully it will be passed
to the Admin that can edit this page

“Add or Change DTMF Functions”

The first match found will be the one which is chosen. What this means
is that you cannot have two DTMF functions same sequence of digits and
one having one additional digit because the shorter one will always win
and be executed first.

-------EDIT this portion--------
Will not work as intended:

[functions] 80=ilink,1 800=ilink,2 Will work as intended:

[functions] 800=ilink,1 801=ilink,2


Above may be a bit confusing to a new person trying to grasp how things
“Will work as intended:”
needs to be a new line indicating it belongs to the function below.

Larry - N7FM

That change has been made. Thanks!

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